Physical & Online Session – @ 9:30am

Ushers will be ready by 8am to assist with the protocol process.
Please come EARLY to be sure you are comfortably settled before Service starts.

This is the permanent link for all the worship services unless otherwise stated.

Create An Account

The Registration Process has been enhanced to enable you create an account for future Online Bookings.

  1. Click on the Registration Link (
  2. Please CLICK on the particular event you intend booking for.
  3. Enter the required details and signup

Book A Seat

  1. Enter the mobile number with which you created the account
  2. Enter the password that was sent to your mobile number when account was created.
  3. You will be directed to our Pending Events.

*You are allowed to pre-book for future events.*

On any particular Zone you select, you can click on the:

icon for more information on the seats

icon for graphical view of the location

You are allowed to pre-book for future events. THIS CAN BE DONE ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.

Registration for any particular Worship Service, ends MIDNIGHT before the day of the Service.

Please if you experience any challenge using your mobile phone, kindly try using a computer as well.

Children’s Online Service @ 11:30am

Physical Prayer Meeting @ LIC

Every SECOND and LAST FRIDAY of the Month.

7:00pm – 9:00pm

All COVID-19 protocols will be observed.

Christian Life Seminar – Online via ZOOM

Quarterly on Wednesdays @ 6:30pm.